Friday, August 21, 2015

The best summer ever.

I know that I am one of the luckiest people in the world. My summer tales and adventures certainly demonstrate such.

We started our journey heading to Colorado where Anwer would be attending his week intensive for his Masters course. Our base was Alamosa, a small town with domesticated deer that roamed the streets. Kasey came to join the fun as well, and we went to Pike's Peak, the Great Sand Dunes, and enjoyed the Alamosa Street Art Festival.

Pike's Incline

Then we headed back to Minnesota to hang out for a couple weeks of non-stop country fun.

At the Winery

My favorite photo of the summer!

We made the longest journey ever and dropped Kasey and fam at the Dells, stopped in Lake Geneva to see some friendly faces, trained to Chicago to reunite with some of the Wolfpack, visited some more friendly faces in Kenosha, and then picked the fam back up in the Dells.

Then we flew to NYC to hang out with Amanda in her stomping ground and had such a lovely time.

Not bad views from Amanda's apt!

A few days later, and we were back in India.

So happy to see these crazies after a full year!

Our future home in Mussoorie!

The view from my future window.

Chatting over chai at Oakland Getters

To say that we had the best time ever would be an understatement. We almost saw everyone we know and love in 6 weeks. Can't wait for next summer to do it all again!