Sunday, December 4, 2011

4 days until Santa comes

Due to the nature of the schedule at Woodstock School, holidays are celebrated about a month in advance. Thanksgiving chapel was the end of October. Chirstmas chapel was the end of November. There's been a house on the top of the mountain with a Christmas tree decorated for well over a month. It's kind of nice, but it's all anti-climatic anyway. Thanksgiving without turkey? Christmas without a gathering of family bearing more and more children each year that I can no longer keep track of the baby names? No thank you.

The school year is coming to a close with four more days of teaching Junior School (senior school is in exam week). Then on Friday-Santa Breakfast! I hear this is a jolly time where the 6th graders dress up like elves and serve breakfast. The event is capped off with a visiting of Santa bearing gifts for all of the students. Then we are free until the 13th-staff banquet (which I am in charge of decorating for due to my judgment of error that put me on the staff social comittee) and finally, the closing staff meeting on the 14th.

After the final meeting, my friends and I are loading a taxi and getting the heck out of here. I imagine us singing Christmas carols or party rock the whole ride to Delhi, throwing up a peace sign, see ya later Mussoorie...

Our ventures will then proceed to Rajasthan, Goa, Mumbai, Malaysia, Cambodia, and finally Thailand before flying back to Calcutta in the end of January. Excited? What an understatement.

A reflection on the past semester is due, but I don't think I'm ready to chalk up the wins and loses of the year. I'll just try to make it through the next few days of junior school PE without the gym (due to exams) and wait for Santa to bring me something wonderful...

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