Saturday, February 16, 2013


Mother Nature is certainly proving herself this semester in Mussoorie. Snow, rain storms, and more snow.

I came back to Mussoorie near the end of January. The view from my front yard was better than ever.

Unfortunately, I could barely walk up the sidewalk to my house because it was so slippery. Imagine me carrying a huge backpack, numerous bags in my hand, and wearing my hand made boots with no grips trying to shuffle my way to the front door.

Imagine a world with no snow shovels. Sloppy.

The cold weather resulted in the official welcoming of the fireplace. The only trouble is that you have to sit this close to feel warm. (photo pre-90's party)

It's still hard to complain when I look out my window and see this!

Another snow storm popped in a couple days ago causing my power to go out for somewhere around 14 hours. It didn't stop me from taking a pathetic run around the chukkar.

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