Saturday, July 27, 2013

Back to School

It's easy to forget how great dryness is until you get back to the Monsoon.

There weren't many mold scares when we returned, but it still isn't warm and welcoming. The return of giant spiders: not cool. Two have been killed by Anwer, but there is one HUGE one that seems to be lingering around just to remind me of my place in the animal kingdom here.

Everyone thinks it's so funny how the monkeys roam around here and taunt people. It's not funny. I live in total fear, and my fear got increased recently after hearing this story:

A man stopped on the road to move a dead monkey to the side. Upon doing so, he was attacked by monkeys. He died.

Yes. He died. He was attacked by monkeys because he was simply trying to move their brother off the road. So, no, it's not funny.

School resumes on Monday. We just had a full week of PD with the University of London: Institute of Education. It left something to be desired.

The new year brings another new schedule, new responsibilities, and new chaos. Let's see what happens...

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