Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Pioneer Woman.

Many people enjoy the snow of Mussoorie. While I do agree it is beautiful and magical, it is an absolute bitch in all other senses. A snow storm came earlier this winter and knocked out power in some places for up to nine days. This storm wasn't as brutal, but our power stopped for full days at a time, came in and out. Then we ran out of water, with news that it wouldn't be coming soon. Some poor coolies carried 400 liters of water from school up to our house to provide water to the four apartments here. An email came today, informing us that there is water now, but it is limited. And there is no sign of when the situation will improve, but we're welcome to use the showers at the school guest house. Is this real life?

This is where our water would normally be. Then it gets pumped to the tanks that are above our house.

We weren't outside long before a casual war broke out with some locals/students.

The snowman and snowoman that we built before the snow turned to ice.

A casual Saturday morning. All those men in the background are the water relief team.

What to do?

AND THEN it started hailing... and thundering... and ensuring that power would never come back.

By evening the snowoman had collapsed.

The sun came out, finally. And so did the monkeys.

Lots of trees fell during the storm, and people were quick to snatch them up for firewood.

This is what it looks like when you order firewood.

This is where my water was stored during the waterless days. I would fill small pots of water, heat them, and clean a few dishes. The toilet was not flushed unless... After several days and not being able to remember when I last showered, I decided to take a "bucket bath". I began heating water in the remaining clean pots I had. I filled up a smaller bucket and covered it to retain heat until I had enough to make myself less dirty. I didn't have power at this time either, so I couldn't turn on lights or our portable heater to make my bathroom slightly warmer. Woe is me. I have never appreciated running water more in my life. And I know many people live like this all the time and in colder conditions. It was frustrating to not be able to plan for the new semester that began today, but I did manage to read a lot. During this time, several friends told me to come and stay with them as well (most of Woodstock staff is on generators and mostly sustainable water supplies). If the storm comes again on Friday, I will probably take them up on the offer this time! Life without water is not for me.

Sunday, February 9, 2014


Work officially began yesterday.

It is a bit sad, but then I remember how amazing my holiday was. I'll try to pace myself in telling you all how awesome it was, so it's not too overwhelming.

Priorities in Bangkok: Red Velvet cake at Starbucks

You might notice a theme... Buying garlic bread on a stick at the Weekend Market in Bangkok. Yes, please.

You'd swear I was at the Great Minnesota Get-together.

Coconut Ice Cream.


Our first of three trips to the all-you-can-eat sushi buffet

View from roof of one of our hotels

Treating ourselves to another sushi buffet with Greg after an exhausting job fair in Bangkok.

theme continues...

waiting for our ferry to Koh Samed

the beach, at last.

local Sprite commercial

trying to pose like locals

trekking around the island

Banana pancakes.

Leaving the island

Since I left Mussoorie in December, I've been to Delhi, Minnesota, Chicago, Bangkok, Koh Samed, Delhi again, and Lucknow. Three countries, three major cities, a fabulous island, and the countryside of Minnesota. I am back on the mountain where snow falls, sleet blows, power cuts in and out, and the monkeys are as aggressive as ever.

more photos to come soon...