Sunday, March 29, 2015

Vitamin D Deficiencies hit Suzhou

After what seemed like a lent without sun, Mother Nature blessed Suzhou with two full days of sun and low pollution last weekend.

We bought hammocks and went to Yangcheng Peninsula.

This weekend wasn't as nice, but we still managed to get in some sun and some questionably polluted air at Lion's Garden in Suzhou.

Can we talk about the selfie stick for a minute?

I mean just look how committed this woman is! She's got the water bottle and selfie stick in hand while trekking through these UNESCO Heritage rocks. 

Then there was this guy. I saw him use the selfie stick for non-selfies, and I was so confused! 

Photo of the day goes to Anwer-no selfie-stick required

Sleeveless tops to absorb maximum Vitamin D

High of 82 predicted for this week. Where did spring go? 

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