Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I’m gonna miss this.

Highlights of the past years are endless. I simply could not be happier with my five years at UW. Let’s flashback to freshman year…

George, Maggie, Me, and Eli: SAKE!

I will be forever grateful for meeting some of the greatest Badgers: Maggie, Megan, and Elisabeth. Without Maggie and Megan, there’s no telling where my freshman career would have gone. Maybe I would have gotten better grades, spent less money, and had a normal sleep schedule. That sounds incredibly boring. Then there was Elisabeth, who offered sanity and reason when all else failed. She become one of the best roommates a person could have.

Megan, Maggie, and Me-Freshman year in a nutshell: sketchy parties in sketchy basements.

Chicago with Maggie and Eli

Condom Balloon Fight

There were several other wonderful people that made 6B a happening place to be freshman year. It was a floor that covered both ends of the spectrum politically, religiously, and sexually. Let’s just say by the end of the year everyone was ready to go home. 

Eli and Me and Devil's Lake

Things to be remembered:
-Ed’s Express: Nachos Plus, Justin Sticks, Cinna-sticks, Pizza, Wraps, Subs, Ice Cream, Weight Gain, and more-->Anyone remember Kyle from Ed’s? We convinced Elisabeth to give one of the workers there a note from us requesting for him to call us. Oh Freshman year. 

-Badger Games: I can clearly remember wearing my lanyard of keys looking like a complete tool and wandering around classy keg parties but never paying for a cup.

Megan and Me (looking like a tool)

-And who could ever forget drunk laundry? It’s all about supply and demand people. Thank you Econ 101 professor Juan Esteban Corranza Romera. We made a little side money doing some laundry, and we also enjoyed a few drinks while doing so. It’s amazing how much fun laundry becomes when you’re getting paid and drinking. What an ideal life.

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