Monday, November 5, 2012

22 Km of chaos

The first ever Mussoorie Half Marathon happened on Sunday morning. Like most things in India, a half-marathon is not as straight forward as you'd think. I did complete the Delhi Half Marathon in 2011, which was fairly normal. The MHM was not as smooth running. The days leading up to the race made me believe that there might be some hiccups on the day, but I had mentally prepared for it. I was completely prepared for the possibility of running the wrong direction or getting chased by a monkey mid race. 

The course cruised the hillside of Mussoorie. There were some fierce uphills, long climbs, and of course a bit of flatness. Someone said something about too bad it's not a clear day, there'd be a great view. BAHH! I had no conscious energy to look at the view. I just made sure I was moving forward and didn't trip. 

As one would except, a half marathon would be 21.0975 km (13.1094 mi). It is rumored that the MHM was an extra kilometerish. Not a big deal? Wrong! It was in that last kilometer that I pictured my life ending and waited until I was out of view of the WS fans to dry heave on the road. 

Throughout the course, the following things happened:
1. An Indian man tried to hold my hand. Yes, he wanted to hold my hand. While this is not the first time a stranger has tried to hold my hand in India, it is the first time that I was running when it happened. I thought he was going for an innocent high-five... what a fool.

2. I was almost hit by several oncoming cars. I was trying to be as forceful as I could in my attempts to run the shortest distance possible and not move for cars. Well, some of the cars felt the same way. 

3. Coming to a poorly marked fork in the road, I shouted to some fellow WSers that they were going the wrong way. After they turned and came back the right way, a saw a couple other guys keep running the WRONG and obviously SHORTER route. 

4. One of my fellow runners/co-workers basically got bumped off the road into a fence. 

5. A kind European man who was running with me asked me if I was "OK". I don't know what I looked like, but I guess it wasn't "OK". He ran with me for about 9 km. He kept asking me how many hills were coming up, and I was scared to tell him the truth. 

6. I ran around 75 degrees uphill on a path covered in cowpies. I then ran/tumbled down this same path praying I wouldn't collide with any barbed wire.

7. I finished first place in the women's division with a time of 2:24. This is certainly no PR or a time most would associate with a first place half-marathon, but MHM was a pretty tough course with many more men than women (just like India). The first place male finished in 1:37. The event had around 250 runners, and I was 38th overall-not official (my European friend told me post-race).

My European friend and I approaching the finish in something resembling running.
The WS staff and student runners. In addition to the half marathon, there was a fun run and team relay event.
My weekend running friends Tara, Melanie (2nd place female), and me looking fresh.

Number one fan!

PE Dept/Minnesota natives: Steve (2nd place male) and me (1st place female). We value physical fitness.

Receiving my award from Steve Swenson, world famous climber.

Since this was the first time I was "first" in a race since high school, it was kind of a strange feeling. I haven't had the desire to win something since then because I felt my time was over. Going into the race, I had considered the idea of being the first female, but I knew that there could be all sorts of wild cards challenging me. Even better than winning was the fact that almost everyone there knew me. The crowd was full of my students and co-workers.

2012 celebrity moments: getting engaged at Woodstock and winning the Mussoorie Half Marathon. The year's not even over yet!

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