Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Possible side effects: earthquakes.

Before moving to India, I prided myself on being one of those people who "never gets sick". I even tried to hang on to this feeling for awhile after I moved. It wasn't long though, and I was in the health center with a sinus infection. I didn't even know what that meant--I don't get sick. I went through a few of these infections in the fall last year. I also had a few situations of stomach illness, most likely food related. I didn't have regular digestion for over a month. Yay!

This fall as been filled with strep throat and other germy germs. Working in the gym exposes me to every germ, and it finally got me. I got confirmation that I had strep and was given some drugs. Yesterday, I was at home resting and watching gossip girl to pass the time. All of a sudden, I felt the weirdest thing. It was like my neighbors were moving furniture that had potential to knock the whole building down. It also maybe nervous because I was sitting under the loft. I thought that it could have been an earthquake, but I also thought I might be crazy and drug-induced. Shortly after, there was an all staff email proclaiming that it was in fact an earthquake.

one more week until vacation!

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