Saturday, September 17, 2011

big deal

I was heading out my door this morning to come open the gym at 6:30 am, and I look out the door and see a monkey party on my porch. If I had to say, there were probably about 15 monkeys just hanging out. Big ones, little ones, red ones, green ones. Monkeys everywhere. I just made sure to open the door extra loudly, and they carried on with their lives.

A friend of mine had his house trashed by monkeys one afternoon. They had a nice time destroying his kitchen and eating anything they could get their hands on.

One evening, I was eating dinner with the cross country team near the top of the mountain. We were all relaxing and having a good time. Then we saw this huge monkey going in the window of someone's house above one of the restaurants. We all started gesturing wildy and tried to communicate with anyone who would listen. Moments later we heard some screams, and the monkey hopped back out the window as an Indian woman followed behind waving her arms. She closed the window.

I try to take the attitude that they can sense fear-like dogs. I go about my business. I don't act afraid. I don't scream or run. This works most of the time... One time I was walking with one of my friends, and I saw a gang of monkeys ahead. No worries, be cool. I keep walking, but this time the monkeys aren't running. This was a narrow dirt path on the side of a cliff, by the way. As I got closer, the mama came at me and was making some weird hissing noises. I was like-oh shit. Scream. Run. My friend, being logical, picked up a rock, and the monkeys scattered.

I've seen monkeys destroying bulletin boards, sneaking into offices, and trapping tourists to get food. I knew there would be monkeys when I came, but I didn't know there would be such clever monkeys that are up to no good running around.

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