Tuesday, September 27, 2011

waking up in India

the sound of what I'd compare to crickets, dogs barking, and the sounds of children in the distance... I don't hear or notice the honking horns anymore.

I never imagined my life to be like this when I moved to India. I'm still not even sure I'm in India.

There are plenty of things about my life that are nearly the same as my American life:
I depend heavily on the internet, and I manage to waste plenty of time on it.
I get to eat ice cream and cheese to a slightly excessive extent.
I hang out with friends, eat out, and watch an illegally downloaded movie from time to time.
I walk around wearing Under Armour wishing they would sponsor me and my Physically Educating lifestyle.

Things that are so very different from my previous life:
I spent my Saturday hiking around the mountains with 5th/6th graders. The car ride back was radioless but filled with 6th grade boys belting out Justin Beiber hits.
I have to put my favorite things in a closet with a light bulb so they don't get moldy.
I have to pretend to pick up and throw rocks at monkeys on walks to school and hope they don't call my bluff.
I have to teach kids of all ages how the classic game of kickball works.
I keep my short-shorts in a drawer and only wear them in the comforts of my own home.
I can't avoid running uphill.
People stare at me (and not just in the oh my god, what is Shannon wearing today kind of staring). Some want to take my picture. Some want to hold my hand in said picture.
I live about 800 meters from many of my students. I get all of my groceries delivered to my home.
I also have a nice woman who cleans my house and cooks for me a couple times a week.
I live and work in a place that is more gossipy and small town than my hometown of Silver Lake, MN (pop. 761).
I go out to the bazaar and am guaranteed to see students, staff, employees, and be recognized by the local tailor who is dying for my business. The grocer knows my name, where I live, and the cornflakes I like.

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