Saturday, August 4, 2012

A monsoon kind of day

 It's just one of those days...

Luckily for you, I decided to make use of this rainy day and give you a photo tour of my new place Oakland Getters #3. Enjoy!

Kitchen-I have a gas burner and baby sized oven.
It's been 13 days since I left America. In that time, the Rice Krispie Treats from America disappeared first. The Rolos were next, followed by the Girl Scout cookies. I still have some beef jerky, marshmallows, pumpkin in a can, Animal Crackers, Reese's, and Clif Bars. 

Miniature refrigerator with a matching garbage or as we call it here, "dust bin"

Front porch equipped with running shoes, rain boots, umbrellas, and rain jackets.

View from front door

Cozy bathroom

View of living space from kitchen

Sun room

Loft/bedroom and view of skylight (covered with a sheer tin that leaks during heavy rain)

Badgers are not normally found in India, exception.

View from loft
All in a day's work.

Stop by anytime!

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see your place! If it weren't for the wires outside the walls and some of the bare concrete/tell tale odd ceiling shots I wouldn't have been able to tell it was India!
