Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Tuesday, 14th August, Day 3

This is what a Tuesday and day 3 in the life of me looks like at Woodstock School...

Our school runs on a 7-day cycle. All of the classes I teach are minors, which means they meet 3 times every cycle. I currently teach 7 different sections of PE, and I am filling in for a downed soldier, which means I have 4 more sections of health. Basically, I see a crap-ton of kids in a seven-day cycle.

Today, a Tuesday, meant that I had to be at school at 7:15 for the small gymnastics club that I run for the senior school students.

School begins at 8:30 with assembly. I go to the senior school assemblies on MWF and junior school on TR. Junior School assemblies are usually filled with some singing, devotions, and incredibly long-winded announcements. Today, we sang a classic, "If I were a butterfly." Let me just say that these kids have nothing on the gospel singing of Holy Family Catholic School students from back in the day. They just don't have the same spirit.

Then of course, class started late due to the long-winded assembly. I started off with some 5th graders. Today was a fitness today, and the kids worked their tails off. I was quite impressed. After they were good and sweaty, I sent them back to class. Then, I got my favorite students the first and second graders. They are in a combined class. I think they would enjoying collecting rocks, if I asked them to.

Then from 10:35-10:55 we have tea break. I usually don't participate in the group deep fried snack sessions, but I try to pack some crackers or fruit from home.

My next adventure for the day is the 9th grade health sections I teach. I enjoy teaching health quite a bit, but the students are not as into it as I am. I have two sections back to back. There is also a student teacher here who is going to be working in one of the sections. Yep, a second year teacher with a student teacher. This is what happens at WS.

Then we have a LONG lunch from 12:30-2:15. Insane. Luckily, most days I teach a junior school class from 1:30-2:10, which shortens it up. Some of the students take music classes during half of lunch, but a large majority of them spend tons of time wandering around aimlessly.

The lunch was pretty good today. We had mashed potatoes, "bbq" chicken, vegetables, and mango cheesecake. I also got to spend a lot of time sharing interesting travel stories with some co-workers. 

I was supposed to have one more class after lunch, but due to Indian culture week, the students had a puppet show by the famous Dadi Pudumjee. It was pretty interesting. It was a bit long and in Hindi, but it was based on the story of The Giving Tree. You can guess through most of it. It did remind me a bit of the good old days of attending crazy dance performances at UW for my required dance classes (yep, PE majors take dance... twice).

After school, I head up to the top of the mountain with 5-10 students to run in preparation for the cross country races in September. Then around 5:45ish, I get to my house. YAY!

Tomorrow is Indian Independence Day. We dress up, have a ceremony, and eat lots of food. Plenty of pictures coming soon!!

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