Friday, September 21, 2012

His Holiness makes holy jokes.

 His Holiness, The Dalai Lama came to Woodstock School on the 16th. Lucky as I am, this was my second opportunity to see the DL. He came to UW in 2010. I find it rather odd that I have never seen a US President, but now I have seen DL twice!

The DL's visit to WS brought some heightened security among other things. I luckily got a second row seat because my fiance was sitting with his kids near the front, and he saved me a spot. I was in spitting range of the DL.

We were seated in the gym for at least 40 minutes before the DL finally made his way in. The gym was dead silent as we waited, and then it was quickly killed as the DL was busting a gut with laughter as he came in the gym. This guy is a jokester!

He gave a speech about happiness, love, life, and religion. Then some of our students got to ask him their own questions. He usually took about twenty minutes to "answer" the questions. The answer always seemed to be the same, and he was always cracking jokes. He wouldn't stop laughing. I do remember him to be a jokester when he was at UW, but this time I was sitting less than twenty feet away from!

Typical DL, laughing at his own jokes.
Monsoon Flowers

Beautiful views.


Smoke stacking clouds.
 Besides celebrating an engagement, teaching 198 students, and staying alive, I have been coaching the girls cross country team. Our season is short, and I don't always love the WS sports schedule. I'm feeling much more prepared this year, and I hope the girls are enjoying it more too!
The monkeys' favorite targets.

We work out!

My latest baking creation.

A team of tigers RAWR!!

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