Tuesday, September 25, 2012

SO to being a Badger for life.

There are some things that I will never forget about the University of Wisconsin-Madison. My love for UW is easily portrayed to my students through the enormous amount of red badger gear I wear to school. I try to keep up with the current events of UW by reading UWbadgers, Channel3000, and wisc.edu. These are all great resources for finding out factual information, but when I want to know what is happening at the core, I read the Badger Herald Shout-Outs.


The shout-outs are a collection of students feelings of love, hatred, and general confusion about life happenings as a Badger.

SO to looking out the window and seeing a person walking their dog while on a segway. Definitely made my day."

SO:Shout-out-generally something that makes you feel warm and fuzzy.

ASO to the kid wearing a Nickleback shirt around campus today. You can't sit with us. You don't even go here."

ASO:Anti-Shout-out-reserved for feelings of hatred, disgust, or repulsiveness

There are many other acronyms that appear in the shout-outs, but you get the idea. The shout-outs are available online, but the best/elite shout-outs are printed in the Wednesday edition of the Badger Herald. Wednesdays are the hardest days to acquire a paper because everyone is reading the SOs. If you aren't an early class, you are left to scrounge around the floor looking for a used edition. Even worse, you might find a paper and realize that someone has removed the shout-outs. One of my friends had two shout-outs printed in the paper: great accomplishment for an undergrad career.

Here are some India shout-outs for you to enjoy.

SO to the dress code of Woodstock staff being something between pajamas and hobo-ness. (In order to save face of my co-workers, no photo evidence will be posted.)

ASO to living "off the grid" (not on back-up generator when the power goes out, which is often) and having to store water like I'm preparing for a world disaster.

SO to my students being so charming by giving me hugs daily and telling me that they love me.

ASO to carrying rocks in my hands while running in case I get chased by monkeys.

SO to running through the mountains of India with cows, goats, and natural beauty.

ASO to teaching 200 students this quarter and having to write comments for each of them.

SO to monkey chasing stories never getting old.

ASO to monsoon and finding mold on the strangest things: belts, passports, and my hair.

ASO to emails from students with poor grammar, dumb questions, and no attachments (when they send assignments).

SO to going to the Pakistan border on Saturday for quarter break with my fiance! 

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